two teens, Max and Duke, got the tools out of Nothin' (Gramps' old
pickup truck) and followed silver-haired Gramps (that's Blaster
Jackson) into the activity hall. The three continued on into a back
room, where two long tables were holding a couple computers partially
dismantled. In the corner were three stacks of computers about 6 feet
the walls of the store room were some posters, that included images
of teens, and adults teaching teens in casual settings. One poster
showed a simple map outline of Mexico with the bold wording, “Tech
Trash for Mexico Teens”.
and Duke immediately began to relax in spirit. Even before any words
were spoken, they both sensed this was a real hands-on place. The
spirit of the room seemed to say, “hey guys, let's do it!. Forget
the talk, just jump in!”
Gramps began teaching a bit of preliminary things to consider, both
boys were itching to grab the tools and start ripping into the
computer boxes. Gramps was explaining the purpose of dismantling
the computers and all the safety tips to remember. It included all
the warnings about (1) sharp edges of the metal brackets, (2)don't
put your hands on your face until you've washed your hands and the
computer parts have been disinfected with the spray can.
raised his hand to get Mr. B's attention. “Gramps, I've been
listening good, honest I have. But that poster over there is bugging
me no end. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but whoever drew that
poster got the words wrong. See? It says, ' Study to be quiet...'
then 'that you might lack for nothing.'” Almost like Gramps had
heard the question before, he casually walked toward an open Bible
over on a small corner table in the room they were working. Max
finished his question, “I think the words were supposed to read 'be
quiet to study'. Like being quiet in a library or when you're
rubbed his chin, thinking over his answer. “Max. You are really
sharp today. You noticed our 'quiet' poster, and its odd wording.
You're absolutely right! That sign would be worded wrong if it was
referring to 'fishing quiet'. But let's say it this way. There are
two kinds of quiet.”
(he's the one with the orange hair), “Whoa now Gramps. Ya lost me
there...two kinds of quiet?” Gramps replied, “Yes Duke. Two kinds
of quiet. There is 'inside' quiet and 'outside' quiet. The inside
quiet of this poster reminds us of the importance of quiet inside our
self; in our mind and in our heart. Having a quiet spirit inside our
self is far more important than outside quiet, that fishing quiet you
mentioned. But for sure, both used together is just what God wants of
then Mark Bond, the vet with the spinal grenade fragment, came in the
room with both canes helping him walk. He said, “Fishing! Did I
hear the word fishing? I love fishing! I especially love the quiet
challenge of outthinking that fish,” he said with a big grin. Maybe
it's a coincidence, maybe not, but I just finished a little planning
meeting in the other room with Bob Tarpin and a few of the members of
our Silver-Tops Seniors group. We've planned a little fishing fun
next week at Snyder's Pay Lake. Blaster, (that's Gramps) we want to
have you and your young friends to come. They can each bring two
other friends apiece. Silver-Tops will pay for the entrance, bait,
and burgers.”
that day, Mark's phone call explained to Gramps, the real purpose for
the Fishing Fun day. It wasn't fishing for fish, but fishing for deep
fellowship with the teen generation and their missing inner quiet
that the poster referred to. There was plenty of shaded areas at
Snyders, that seniors could minister to their youth.