I. The Bible >> The Bible is the
Word of God given by inspiration of God and preserved through the
ages by His providence. The King James Version of the Bible is
faithfully and accurately translated from the original languages, and
thus is the Word of God for English-speaking people. The Bible is our
sole authority for faith and practice.
II. God >> God is the sole,
sovereign, holy Ruler of the universe. The Bible teaches that He is
omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. He is a triune Being
composed of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, different in
personalities but one in essence.
III. Jesus Christ >> Jesus Christ
is the eternally existant Son of God. By Him, the world was created,
and by Him the world is upheld. He was incarnated into the world by
means of the virgin birth, being made in every aspect like men, yet
without sin. He lived a perfect life on earth, proclaiming the truth
from God, His Father. He was betrayed into the hands of men and was
crucified. His death on the cross was a substitutional atonement made
for all mankind. Three days after He died, He resurrected physically
and bodily. Forty days after His resurrection, He ascended to heaven
where He continually intercedes for those who have trusted Him as
Saviour. He has promised to return to earth for His bride and
establish His kingdom.
IV. The Holy Spirit >> The Holy
Spirit is a Person, not merely an essence, force, or power. It is He
who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. It is He
who empowers the Christian to live a holy life acceptable to God and
serve Him profitably. He was sent from the Father by the Son as the
Comforter. The sign gifts endowed by the Holy Spirit were for the
days of the apostles only. They were sent to confirm the words of the
apostles. Now that we have been given the completed canon of
Scripture, we have a more sure word of prophecy and no further need
of signs.
V. Mankind >> God created man
from the dust of the earth and placed him in the garden of Eden. Adam
and Eve disobeyed God and plunged themselves and their descendents
into a state of sin and spiritual death. Now man is naturally
destitute of any spiritual good. He cannot come to God on his own nor
does he will to come to God. If a man does not come God through Jesus
Christ, he will be eternally judged in a literal fiery hell.
VI. Salvation >> Salvation from
our sinful nature and its accompanying punishment can come only
through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that He shed on the cross
for all of mankind. Salvation is by grace through faith alone. Only
by trusting the finished work of Christ and His resurrection from the
dead can one be saved from the penalty of sin. All those who by faith
have accepted Christ are eternally saved. Everlasting life has become
their present possession that they cannot lose.
VI. The Church >> Today, God's
work is done through the local church. God has promised that the
gates of hell would not prevail against only one organism, the local
church. Therefore, it is of great necessity for a missionary to be
sent by a local church to his field. It is our conviction that the
teaching of the Baptists is the body of doctrine that the Bible
teaches. Churches should be independent, autonomous bodies. The Lord
has given the church two ordinances: baptism and the Lord's Supper.
VII. Biblical Separation >> God
expects His people to live holy lives, separated unto God from the
world. In addition, God also expects that His people separate from
all religious apostasy and those who participate in it.
VIII. The Return of Christ >>
Christ has promised that in the same manner in which He left earth,
He would come again. Christ has promised both a premillennial,
pretribulational rapture of the saints and a second coming after the
seven years of tribulation, in which He will judge the world and
establish His kingdom.
IX. Our Eternal State >> God has
promised that there will be a bodily resurrection of all mankind.
Those who have been saved will be given eternal life in heaven with
Christ. Those who have rejected Christ will receive eternal,
conscious punishment in the Lake of Fire.